Independent Living Equipment

Independent Living Equipment

Independent Living Aids for Secure and Comfortable Everyday Routines

Even ordinary everyday activities can present a challenge for the elderly and people with disabilities. Things such as taking a bath, visiting the toilet and bending down to pick up an item can be a challenge on a person’s balance and on the joints and, in some cases, impossible without assistive technology. Invacare has designed a wide range of independent living products that help with everyday moving around the home, shops well as helping with hygiene and resting needs.

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Our family of independent living products to help with mobility include rollators and walking frames. They have all been built from high-quality materials, with clever design features that facilitate easier movement, for those who need assistance. Our moving aids cater for both the elderly and disabled people of all ages.

Invacare’s bathing solutions feature a rich variety of mobility and safety aids. A range of shower chairs cater to individuals who need extra assistance when bathing. Toilet lifters, bath stools and lifters provide a comfortable support for individuals during their bathing and toilet routines.